Monsanto - An Agribusiness Who Has NEVER Produced A Product Even Safe To Be Around

More Indirect Murder, Courtesy Of Monsanto
Long ago, Monsanto managed to slowly murder hundreds of poor African Americans in a small town in Alabama with neglect, and more directly, with absolute and utter apathy. What was done was they'd dumped off toxic refuge, chemical waste, into ditches because it cost money to properly do things.
Monsanto is a lot of things, but responsible for or empathetic towards those so uneducated and duped as to use their products was never one of those things;but it is not just the persons that actually purchased products made by the single most irresponsible corporation this side of British Petroleum and Halliburton, it is also those third parties exposed to those products or the byproducts of those unsafe products, such things have forever been beneath the consideration of the world's most corrupt corporation.
In regards to Monsanto, they might appear to prefer that their unwitting client base commit ritual suicide by drinking Monsanto herbicides and pesticides, but that wouldn't be true. You see, the same US Government personnel heavily invested in Monsanto are all also invested heavily in US pharmaceutical corporations, and they like to make profit whilst making you sick, and then also selling you a false cure. The mass Monsanto suicides are another story altogether, and far far away in India, a place that Americans, and especially those invested in Monsanto stock, care absolutely nothing about. Doesn't India have too many people already? Shouldn't Monsanto just do what they do there, cause birth defects, disease, reproduction failure, and ritual suicide in their quest to save the planet while making US Government officials more wealthy? Well NO, they shouldn't, but that is The World According To Monsanto, but they only manage to think about that when they are done with their third party murders of polar bears. No don't get too up in arms over the bears, Monsanto didn't do that on purpose, and besides, you too have the same fat soluble poisons in your own body, as Monsanto's poisons have a way of transcending all imagined outcomes towards the evil side of things, as they are utterly vile and evil persons running their entire corporation.
We should seek to be fair here, Monsanto isn't all about culling the herds of human population in the USA and abroad, and they aren't all about simply poisoning other fauna on Earth either, they also managed to be involved in the largest act of violence and terrorism against flora in the history of the world, but they had help from DOW with that one, you've heard of it, they called it the Vietnam War, and the product of destruction for troops, and persons of all ages, and trees, plants, and all that lived in them, and on them, was Agent Orange.
I'd never manage here to list all the unethical, immoral, amoral, and heinous deeds done in the past or the present by the corporation known as the single worst corporation in the entire world, but now they're getting noticed for what they are in South America, and it is past time the rest of the Earth take notice too, and do something about it.
If you see something, say something. I see my government heavily invested in global terrorism, and supporting and funding an agribusiness that uses murder for hire Blackwater/Xe to infiltrate organizations opposed to its soft kill for big pharma, and birth defects across the globe schemes.
Soybean Fields In Cordoba, Argentina - Weep For Argentina, Monsanto Herbicide Is Killing Young And Old There

Roundup - Cancer And Birth Defects, Are You Roundup Ready?

The Monsanto GMO Soybean Fields Of Cordoba
It is becoming ever the more clear to all persons on the globe that GMO foods are not only unsafe to eat, but are intended to cause death. It is also abundantly clear that consuming too much soybean product reaps havoc on the human body's hormonal balance. So, shall we then go on to produce GMO soybean? Well yes, so much the better if we have hormonal imbalanced person eating cancer causing reproduction disturbing GMO soybean - this is Monsanto, after all, the only persons in the world who'd cause harm to dairy cows with synthetic bovine growth hormones while producing cancer causing milk.
As bad as GMO anything is, the GMO soybeans are not the issue here, but rather, it is the toxic herbicide sold as if it were safe, "Roundup," the only product that keeps Monsanto in business, one of the most successful chemical products ever devised - Roundup is the problem. It is not just Argentina's problem, however, it is the world's problem, but let us take a look at Argentina.
In Cordoba, Argentina a group of poor women are taking Soybean producers to trial. They'd been spraying Roundup, the utterly toxic herbicide produced by Monsanto, from an airplane, going to court are Francisco Parra and Jorge Gabrielli, and the pilot of a spray plane, Edgardo Pancello
“We are not satisfied with the sentences sought by the prosecutor. They have done so much damage to us, and we were hoping for more. But at least it will set a precedent in the country,”
The quote above by Sofía Gatica, who's daughter died three days after birth due to kidney failure. Sofia realized that something was wrong in her area, and the closer the people lived to the soybean fields, the higher the incidence of infant mortality and death too young. She suspected that the numerous health problems were caused by glyphosate, the active chemical agent in the herbicide used on fields of genetically modified soybeans, sprayed by hand or from planes. The herbicide in question, of course, was Monsanto's Roundup.
Sofia Gatica noted many birth defects, children born with six fingers, no thumb, no intestines, deformed jawbones, concerning the high incidence of disease in the area, she had the following to say:
“We had malformations, cancer, lupus, purpura, haemolytic anaemia,”
The Mothers of Ituzaingó, the activist group battling rich GMO soybean farmers, tested blood, dirt, water, and conclusive studies were done. Monsanto Roundup herbicide was the exact source of the community's ills, and infant mortality rate. Cancer was forty one times the higher than the national rate for persons living near the GMO soybean fields. Monsanto's one product that makes the corporation of death profitable, was the cause. None of this should surprise anyone, as scientist in Europe know this, and have known this, but the South Americans, and the North Americans do not know this, as Monsanto is heavily invested in by the highest ranking members of the United States government.
South America is catching on fast to how Monsanto is a threat to the health of all persons living there. When will the citizens of the USA realize they too have been duped time and again by the wealthiest persons in their nation, and by their influence and position in their own government?
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