Richest Men In The World
There is a political theory, and I can not doubt that it is true, and that theory states that those who cause people to fear their opposition give that opposing force or opposition, power, and contribute to the tyranny of that opposition. I want you to know, that whenever I talk about the Rockefeller's or the Rothschild's that I do not intend to give them a single thing. I only want to educate you on the situations that do exist, so as you can better make decisions about how you live your life.
I'm sorry, if you believe the lies in the media that Bill Gates, or that telecommunications mogul down in Mexico are the richest, wealthiest men in the world. I'm sorry that you believe such things, really; because it is indicative of a situation in which you believe that memes from the mass media are reflective of reality, and they are not. Why, would someone want people to know it if they were the controllers of wealth, nations and circumstances in which so many persons suffer so much pain, and so many millions of persons live in poverty? When you own the media, you create the reality that people accept, and this is not reality at all, it is only lies, and this tactic protects you from the wrath of the enslaved masses. The media controls the minds of the masses. It is the engine that produces the false reality in which a common American man like Bill Gates can live the "American Dream," and be the wealthiest man in the world.
The Truth About The United States Of America - The Harlot That Does Everything For Money

Heaven and Hell
The world is full of Kings and Queens
Who blind your eyes and steal your dreams
It's Heaven and Hell, oh well
And they'll tell you black is really white
The moon is just the sun at night
And when you walk in golden halls
You get to keep the gold that falls
It's Heaven and Hell, oh no!
Who blind your eyes and steal your dreams
It's Heaven and Hell, oh well
And they'll tell you black is really white
The moon is just the sun at night
And when you walk in golden halls
You get to keep the gold that falls
It's Heaven and Hell, oh no!
Your Comfort Zone Is Toxic
It makes people very uncomfortable, and confused when you pull the rug out from underneath them and they fall on their tail end. It's painful, and leaves you feeling that you don't know what is going on, and this is something that nobody really likes. But with a few simple steps, one can realize that it is easy to get back up, and regain your balance.
A good beginning is to realize always that the History books were written by the winners of a conflict, every conflict; and so, the truth is not present in any Government controlled history book in any nation that is prosperous. Righteous governments do not exist, and everything that comes from mass media is always something with a grain of truth to give some salt to the lies. Doubt this? If so, then please tell me what motivation for truth that a government like the United States Government has. Did we tell the truth about the Invasion of Iraq? Why so many conspiracy theories concerning the September the 11, 2001 fiasco? The conspiracies galore are due to the fact that nothing made sense, the official explanation doesn't make any sense; the only explanation that I've seen that does make sense is the one offered in The State Of Our Criminal Government.
Everyone wants to be comfortable. It's the natural desire of the human body to seek out comfort at all times. Nobody really likes discomfort, and so, it is more comfortable to always believe that you live some place where the people running the show are "good," and have only the most righteous things, and your best interests in mind. That is comfortable. It's also much more comfortable to run along with the rest of the crowd of sheep in any given flock. To be outside the flock is to be apart from the comfort of the group. The rest of the group well knows that those outside are not fully part of the group, and it is to their comfort benefit to point that out to every member of the group.
Global Governance Is Discussed In The Bible From Start To Finish.

Tower Of Babel Story, The First Instance of a World Government Attempt
- The Tower of Babel - Bible Story Summary of the Tower of Babel
The Tower of Babel is a brief summary of the Bible story that teaches us a lesson about pride. The Tower of Babel story summary includes the Scripture reference, interesting points or lessons to be learned from the story, and a question for reflection
Daniel Predicts Global Government in Ancient Babylon.
- The End Times Prophecies of the Prophet Daniel
End-times prophecy is not just a Christian thing. It's a Jewish thing because many of the most well-known New Testament prophecies were foreshadowed by the Old Testament prophets centuries before the birth of Christ.
The Anti Christ, and the False Prophet.
- A Commentary on the Book of Revelation (Chapter 13) The Antichrist and the False Prophet
The Antichrist and the False Prophet- Chapter 13 of the Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto Him, to shew unto His servants things which must shortly come to pass.
The History Of The World According to The Bible
The Bible is an excellent book full of history. I want to, for the text of this capsule, lead the reader away from the religious implications of that book, and focus you on the history in that book, and the prophecies concerning the future history of the world.
Now, I realize completely that a large part of the world, and especially in the English speaking world, that some of the brighter minds of that group have come to discredit anything and everything in the Torah and the Bible. It is proof of an agenda that people like Richard Dawkins only talk about the Bible in terms of atheism and evolution. The creation allegory, and the Bible, however, are not in opposition to the theory of evolution at all; therefore, Richard Dawkins discredits his own intelligence by doing so, as do all others who fail to, from anger, and misunderstanding, disregard the Torah and the Bible because of the contradictions of less intelligent and and the many less educated pseudo Christians in the English speaking world.
Regardless of what one thinks about the Torah or the Bible, anyone who reads it for any reason must surely recognize and concur that the theme of Global Governance is recurring throughout the book; and that the first instance in which that topic is addressed is in the very first book of the Torah and Bible, the book of Genesis, and in the eleventh chapter. Specifically, the eleventh chapter of Genesis talks about the fabled tower of Babel and a failed attempt to unite the world under one king, and one government, with one language. Look again to the Georgia Guide-stones, and there too you see the theme of one global language brought back into the picture via Ted Turner.
Moving right along, and into the Book of Daniel, one sees that there, in the Old Testament Daniel predicted many things, including a very accurate rendition of the empire established by Alexander the Great, but not only that, Daniel accurately describes how the empire of Alexander would be broken into four pieces, and it was. Daniel's dream interpretations and prophecies also touch on the global government of the age that we are approaching.
Finally, in The Revelations, we see a book filled with rich symbolism and imagery that will not make one single bit of sense to anyone who has not spent some time studying some companion text that explains it. Without reading several different companion texts and scholarly translations. . . .I'd be completely ignorant on all of The Revelations. One would literally, have to spend years of their lives to get it, and they'd still not have "got" the half of it, unless, of course, they'd studied the original texts in the original language that they were written, spoke and could read those languages; and were just altogether brilliant.
Basically, any time you read of things coming out of "the sea," what is meant that that something is relative to the Gentile world. What is the Gentile world? The world outside of Israel and Judaism is "the sea." Things referenced to have come out of the Earth are exclusive to Israel, and the people's who practice Judaism.. There are many, many symbols in The Revelations; and I suggest that if you wish to read those, that you also buy the most reputable and scholarly companion interpretations that you can find.
Finally, I'm no Bible scholar at all, and I did not intend this section to be a comprehensive look a Bible end times prophecies, all that I wanted was to show that the theme of global governance is, in fact, located in prophecy and allegory from start to finish.
Some people have said that the Bible interprets itself, and I can see that more and more as time goes on.
What's The Deal?
Why, you might ask, is it that every attempt at global government has failed? It all goes back to the Tower of Babel story in the very first book in the Torah and the Bible. Global government has never worked in the history of the entire world, and it never will so long as some man is in charge of it. Men, or rather, mankind, with all of its pride, greed, and lust can not achieve this. I don't have to say that "God doesn't allow it," you can see what's happened every single instance that it's been tried for yourselves. Does that stop man from trying? Hell NO! Man is a prideful ignorant beast that can not control his self or rise above his lower natures long enough to do much of anything in a united fashion.
So why keep trying? Because when you've evolved as a family as the wealthiest circle of folks in the world, like our international Rothschild clan has, you start to think of yourselves as gods; and you find that having even more money doesn't really do much for you any more. What to do? Become the world's god king, that's what's left for you; and thus we've got our plastic Jesus, David de Rothschild!. Now David is the son of the father, Evelyn de Rothschild; and isn't it just groovy how he looks so much like all of the modern renditions of what Jesus of Nazareth looked like? I mean, it's so damn ironic, and I never get tired of looking at that guy, cause we'll be seeing a lot of him as the years roll by, trust me on that
Now, when you're the wealthiest family in the universe, what's the first single thing that you can do to make things go your way? Of course being the wealthiest family in the world, you've already monopolized a central banking system in all of the major markets; and created debt based fiat currency with which you can control the nations. The next major thing that you can and will do, and this has been done already, is that you own and control all major sources of information flow. Not only does every nation in the world suffer under debt based fiat currency via Rothschild controlled central banking, the Rothschild family also owns Reuters and the Associated Press. When daddy E gets up and walks out of an interview on the BBC, it's because he owns it, he's got shite that needs doing, and his low level employees should be honored that he'd even graced them with his presence..
The Owners Of the Banks, and the Controllers of the Flow Of Information
It's so amazing, and I never cease to be amazed by the disinformation about all of this that is now accepted as "fact" by the masses. It's a tribute to the power of disinformation, wealth, and the control of information; but before I go any further, I suppose that some basic facts should be laid out.
!. racial hatred is idiotic, and a sign of ignorance, and cognitive malfunction.
2. racial hatred is the most manipulated theme available for control other than control of currency and information
2.Judaism is a religion, and not a race; therefore, if you do not practice Judaism, you are not Jewish.
3. Jews do not control the banks of the world, the Rothschild's do not as a family practice Judaism, and therefore, they can not be Jewish, because Judaism is a religion, and not a race.
4. Jews controlling the media is another unacceptable conspiracy meme, one has to practice Judaism to be Jewish. Yet the media is ethnically monopolized just the same.
5. Calling someone an anti-Semite for disputing the lie that there is a Jewish race is a double irony, as the race that claims that it is the "Jewish race" is not a Semetic people. The Hebrews were a Semitic people and so are today's Sephardic Jews, and the Palestinians.
6. Anyone of any race can become a Jew, they only need to practice Judaism.
7. Hitler indeed tried to murder the entire race of people's who call themselves "Jews, " and this is the source of the confusion, and the modern historical lie that allows people who do not practice Judaism to call themselves "Jews."
8. The term that you are looking for here is Ashkenazi Jew, and many of these people are Jewish, and practice Judaism; however, if members of that ethnic group do NOT practice Judaism, they simply can not be Jewish. They may claim to come from a culture of Judaism, and that is often true. I come from a Christian culture, but if I do not practice Christianity, then I can no longer claim to be a Christian.
9. Hatred of Ashkenazi Jews, again, is unacceptable, and is used to discredit the truth of many matters. Ashkenazi Jews are a Turkish and European people, and not a Semitic people. Calling an idiot that hates Ashkenazi Jews an "anti Semite" is another "accepted" but completely inaccurate way to continue the confusion of the masses, and this is done commonly in the ethnically monopolized media.
10. Ashekenazi Jews did not have Jesus of Nazareth killed, but that hasn't stopped anyone in the white supremacy movement from spreading yet another historical inaccuracy. The Khazars, the people who became known as the Ashkenazi Jews, had nothing to do with Judaism at all during the time of Jesus, and only the Hebrew or Jewish priests of Palestine, and the Roman leaders in that land at that time CAN be blamed for his crucifixion.
11. This may seem unrelated to the above, but the crucifixion of Jesus wasn't some horrific punishment meant for just the man who declared himself the king of the Jews, and the son of God; Roman crucifixion was a common and altogether brutal and horrific manner of execution that pre-dated the life of Jesus of Nazareth by a great number of years. Untold thousands of persons were brutally murdered and executed in that fashion. Following the Roman Slave Revolt led by Spartacus, thousands of the rebels were crucified at one time, and along the Via Appia. I've read before that some manner of Crucifixion predated Roman eminence, and was even used during the wars of Alexander the Magnus.
Plastic Jesus?
As discussed above in minor and condensed detail, the history of the Earth according to Biblical scripture and prophecy can be said to be the history of prideful man to unite the world under one government, and one man. Basically, it comes down to this: God ain't having it, unless he picks the man, and he's already got one picked, and that man is himself, or part of his trinity of selves. You can feel free to throw stones at me in the comments, I don't mind.
It's also beyond a shadow of doubt that since Weishaupt created his famous "elite" organization, and Rothschild took over the control of the money supply in the large financial centers of the world by riding on, and manipulation of the bloody battles of that little Frenchman, Napoleon Bonaparte; that efforts to incorporate a global system of governance have increased to the point that J.F.K. was assassinated purely for devising the destruction of the Federal Reserve; and two world wars were fought over the idea. We've even devised new wars against shadow enemies in order to continue on with these efforts. International banking via Rothschild and Rockefeller, and especially with the vocal David Rockefeller, have made no bones about the fact that their aims are global government.
Basically, and I'm going to paraphrase, condense, and explain scripture from The Revelations all at once here, the Earth will be united under global government; headed by ten kings without kingdoms. Why ten "kings without kingdoms?" Well, if there's one global government there is only one kingdom, and so the kings of the Earth are really financial elitists, the person who winds up heading this apostate crowd of Mammon worshiping humanist will kill a couple of the kings, and be the "in place of," or anti Christ; the person I call "plastic Jesus;" and I hope that that person is David De Rothschild, cause he's already been casting himself for the role, and by golly; he looks the part.
The Next Invasion Lotto
Now, I've already stated on another Hub that the whole September 11, 2001 crime was a cover up for the TWO POINT THREE TRILLION TAXPAYER DOLLARS that was reported missing the previous day, but it also got Halliburton the reconstruction contracts that they'd basically paid for ahead of time by giving Dick Cheney those FIFTY TWO MILLION DOLLARS in a severance package to run as Vice President. Also, of course, we needed an excuse to take away freedoms from common Americans, the scared little media sheep; and we did that with the "patriot act," and we also got to invade Afghanistan and build the Tapi natural gas pipeline. But the single biggest issue with Iraq was NOT that Halliburton angle that they'd bought and paid for ahead of time, oh no, it was that Iraq had no Rothschild and Rockefellercontrolled central bank.
Now, I'm taking bets, cause there are only five nations left: Cuba, North Korea, The Sudan, Libya, and Iran. Which one do you think we'll contrive a disaster or "terrorist" attack upon either ourselves, or some Western European nation in order to invade for David Rockefeller, David De Rothschild; and Big Daddy E???
Since I'd first published this article, it has become clear that the nation of Libya has "won" the next invasion lotto. I'd stake the fiat currency in my wallet that Zionist manipulations at the behest of Rothschild banking has had something to do with both the civil unrest, and Western intervention there. I'd also be willing to bet that the Obama administration will not be done with Libya until there have been drastic changes made to that nation's central banking system. There's a lot of resources to be had there, and if a Jewish Messiah is to control the world from Israel, then surely he needs control there as well. But what do I know?
Deception and War
The J.F.K. Secret Societies Speech
- John Fitzgerald Kennedy, and The Secret Society Speech
Some will say that this speech is about Communism, and so, is unrelated to global conspiracy. Communism, however, was a part of the same conspiracy that we see today, and not only created by the same persons, but funded by them as well.
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